Sent Email — Gmail Setting

Thanaroj chareonphuthiwat
2 min readJan 13, 2021


  1. Less Secure app access เป็น ON

Account settings: Your browser is not supported.Edit

2. Enable IMAP access

3. Setting SMTP


##เคสล่าสุดทดสอบผ่าน Localhost ได้ และ บาง site ลูกค้าได้ แต่ Up ขั้น Cloud ไม่ได้

ดังนี้ พอทำตามได้แล้ว

This worked for me.

1) Login to your gmail account.

2) Go to and Turn On this feature.

3) Go to and click Continue.

Then you can authenticate your Additional Email Address from your Gmail Account.

Edit: In my case it helped to write instead of

#Update how to set email 20220707

1.Login to your gmail
2. Go to Security setting and Enable 2 factor authentication

3. After enabling this you can see app passwords option. Click here!

4.And then, from Your app passwords tab select Other option and put your app name and click GENERATE button to get new app password.

5.Finally copy the 16 digit of password and click done. Now use this password instead of email password to send mail via your app.

** นำ Password ที่ได้ไป Setting ที่ Library เพื่อส่ง Email แทนตัวเดิม



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